Programs use developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate approaches to support each child’s learning and development.
- Program leaders are knowledgeable about developmental milestones and the purpose of developmental screenings.
- Program has a policy for implementing developmental screenings and making appropriate referrals.
- Program selects an approved screening tool and program leaders are knowledgeable in the components and implementation process.
- Program provides families with resources to support family understanding of developmental milestones and the purpose of developmental screenings.
- Educators in each classroom are knowledgeable about developmental milestones and the purpose of developmental screenings.
- Educators in each classroom are knowledgeable about the selected screening tool.
- Program leaders are knowledgeable about referral organizations that provide follow-up evaluations and services.
- Program leaders ensure that annual screenings are completed for all children and that results are reviewed and shared with families.
- Program provides relevant referral resources and supports families in completing referrals for evaluation and/or obtaining services for all identified children.
- Program ensures that screenings are completed within 45 days of enrollment, as well as every 6 months for children up to age 3, and annually for all children ages 3 to 5.
- Program conducts screenings more frequently, in accordance with the selected screening tool, with children identified as benefitting from more frequent monitoring.
- Educators review individual milestones and discuss screening results with families.
- Program collaborates with families and organizations to provide appropriate services for all children.
DELACARE Regulations for Early Care and Education and School- Age Centers:
73. Program Goals and Planning
74. Lesson Plans
76. Activity Schedule
- Program leaders and educators are knowledgeable about the Delaware ELFs.
- Program has a policy about curriculum and its role in the program learning environment.
- Program selects an approved curriculum that aligns with the program mission.
- Program leaders are knowledgeable about the components and implementation of the selected curriculum.
- Program requests copies of IEPs/IFSPs for each eligible child.
- Program educators in each classroom are knowledgeable about the components and implementation of the selected curriculum.
- Program leaders support educators to use the curriculum to develop their daily schedule.
- Program leaders support educators to develop lesson plans aligned with the curriculum.
- Program leaders offer a variety of strategies to support educators to implement the curriculum.
- Program leaders consistently monitor and provide feedback on lesson plans.
- Program provides support for educators to attend intervention planning meetings with service providers and families.
- Educators consistently and fully implement the selected curriculum in all classrooms.
- Program educators use child data to inform curriculum planning, incorporating activities designed to support identified skills, knowledge, and abilities for each and every child.
- Program intentionally selects and implements supplemental curricula, based on consideration of program philosophy and the needs of enrolled children.
- Program leaders consistently monitor and provide feedback on fidelity of curriculum implementation.
DELACARE Regulations for Early Care and Education and School- Age Centers:
42. Documenting Children’s Progress
- Program leaders and educators are knowledgeable about appropriate developmental expectations.
- Program leaders and educators are knowledgeable about conducting observations and ongoing assessment of children’s learning.
- Program has policies and procedures in place for observing, documenting, and assessing children’s learning, as well as how to share information with families.
- Program intentionally selects an approved assessment system.
- Program leaders are knowledgeable about the components and implementation of the selected assessment system.
- Program educators in each classroom are knowledgeable about the components and implementation of the selected assessment system.
- Program leader supports educators to intentionally plan for observations in a variety of settings at different times of day.
- Program leader supports educators to collect observations and develop an organized system for documentation.
- Educators use child observations when completing benchmark assessments.
- Educators in all classrooms intentionally plan for observations and engage in full implementation of selected assessment system.
- Program leader supports educators to review assessment data in a variety of ways to better understand the needs of children in their classrooms.
- Educators use observations and assessment data to inform and adjust future goals, experiences, and instructional supports for each and every child in the classroom.
- Educators and families collaborate to jointly plan in support of individual children’s needs.
- Program leader uses child assessment data in long-range planning and program evaluation.