Registering for Training/Editing Profile

How do I update my profile? Why is it important to update my profile?

  • Log into the DIEEC professional development registry. Your username is your email address
  • If you are unsure of your password, you can try “forget your password” and the system will send you an email to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, please call the main office at 302-831-3239 to verify that we have the correct email on file.
  • Once you have logged into the system, click on “Edit Profile” on the top right-hand side of the page. Update any information that needs to be changed. Hit save at the bottom
    • Every 2-3 months the system will prompt you to update your profile. Please reconfirm your information or update it as needed. Anything with a green or red dot must be filled out.

What do I do if my username and/or password do not work or I forgot them?

Your username is now your e-mail address. If you do not have an e-mail account, one must be created by going to Yahoo or Google. Please note – you cannot use someone else’s email address.  If you think you may already have an account, you do not need to create a new profile. Please call 302-831-3239 to get profile information.

Why is my access to DIEEC blocked?

If you have trouble logging into your account, please contact the DIEEC at (302) 831-3239 for assistance.

  • Reason 1 – When a new profile is created, our system will send you an email to confirm your credentials. Sometimes this email goes into the junk or spam folder – please check that folder as well. The system will say “unconfirmed” or “blocked” account if you have not confirmed your credentials.
  • Reason 2 – You may have entered your password incorrectly too many times. The system will say blocked after three failed attempts to log in.

Why do I need to create a profile?

Your profile allows you to register for in-person and online professional learning experiences through DIEEC. The hours you complete are then posted to your transcript. If you do not have a profile, we will not be able to add you to a class or add your professional development to your transcript. Additionally, your profile allows DIEEC to contact you and inform you of any changes to the PLE schedule. We can also send you information about upcoming classes if you are in our system.

What should I do if a workshop is full?

If you need to sign up for a specific workshop and it is full, you can add your name to the waitlist by calling 302-831-3239.  We will then inform you if there is an opening.  If the class should be offered again, we will notify you via email and by telephone.

I want to register for a workshop that starts tomorrow. Why will the system not let me?

Our registration closes 48 hours before a PLE begins to ensure that the instructor has an up-to-date attendance list and enough materials for all participants.

How do I register for online trainings?

You can register for DIEEC self-paced courses through the DIEEC professional development registry – look for “Self-Paced” in the titles listed on the calendar.  If you are interested in signing up for one of the free DEPDNow online trainings, you can access the Online Training Tip Sheet (PDF File) which will provide instructions on how to access and register.

If you are interested in signing up for the school age training series, click here to access, click on the training in which you are interested, enter your username and password (the same as your registry login information) and then finalize your training selections. Make sure you login prior to registering for online trainings

Attending Training/Canceled Classes

Why do I have to go to PLEs? I have a master’s degree and/or years of experience.

Continuing professional development allows you to remain up to date on research and trends, make connections with colleagues, prepare for greater responsibilities, and reinforce and enhance your current skills. In addition, people with education and experience can help others by sharing their knowledge. 

Licensing requires 9-18 hours of training per year. Please contact your OCCL representative through the State of Delaware for clarification of how many hours you need per calendar year.

Where do I find location on the registry? How do I know if I’m registering for an in-person PLE or an online PLE?

Log into the DIEEC professional development registry and click on “My Profile” at the top of the page. In the “Upcoming Professional Learning Experience Sessions” section, click on the training, and you will see the location and the directions. 

Does it matter how late I am? Why can’t I get in after 15 minutes?

Participants agree to arrive on time when they register for a PLE. In general, sites are open 15 minutes before PLEs are scheduled to begin and the doors are locked 15 minutes after the listed start time for safety reasons and to ensure a positive learning environment for all participants.

For a virtual session, you will not be admitted after 15 minutes.

Why are there assignments in some workshops?

Assignments are used to further your thinking and understanding of the subject matter. Typically, our professional learning experiences that have multi-sessions will have assignments to keep you thinking about the subject matter, especially while at work. Our goal is for you to connect new information to your program and to help you in applying new techniques, so you get the most out of your professional learning experiences.

May I bring others to the workshop?

No, only individuals who register for PLEs and are in the early childhood field should attend. No children (anyone under the age of 18) are permitted to attend workshops. If adults are driven to workshops by other adult drivers who choose to stay, they are asked to sit quietly where they are comfortable. Materials are only provided to registered participants. 

How do I know if the workshop is canceled due to weather? When would it be rescheduled?

DIEEC will put notice of workshops canceled due to weather on the website. If you are unable to check the website, you may call the main phone number at 302-831-3239. You will be notified of the date of the rescheduled class. This highlights the importance of keeping our profile up to date so we can keep you informed.

What if I cannot attend one of the sessions in a workshop that is multiple days?

If you do not attend all the sessions, you will get credit for the hours you attended.  

Receiving Credit Hours/Transcripts

Where do I get a certificate for the DIEEC professional learning experience I just attended?

DIEEC does not provide printed certificates. You obtain your certificates online in the form of a transcript. You can obtain your up-to-date transcript approximately two weeks after your latest PLE.

How do I get my transcript?

Participants log into the DIEEC professional development registry to download their transcript to show proof of class completion.

I attended a professional learning experience but it doesn’t appear on my transcript. Why?

You must sign in at every in-person workshop or confirm your presence in virtual sessions. If you do not sign in, you will not receive credit. Transcripts should be updated within 2 weeks of attending a PLE. If you attended, signed in, it has been 2 weeks, and the PLE is still not on your transcript, please call the main office at 302-831-3239.

I attended a professional development through another organization, and they said it was quality assured, but it doesn’t appear on my transcript.

Your transcript will reflect the professional development that you registered for through the DIEEC professional development registry. If you have a question as to whether something is quality assured, please contact the DIEEC at 302-831-3239.

What if I miss a workshop? Do I get credit? How does that work?

If you miss a workshop, you will not receive credit hours. You only receive credit hours for the workshops that you have attended. For example, if a workshop is 12 hours of training, and you missed one of the 3-hour session trainings, you will receive 9 of the credit hours that you attended.

Providing Feedback/Contacting DIEEC

How do I provide feedback to DIEEC?

You are always welcome to email DIEEC at to share your questions, ideas, and feedback. 

If you would like to offer feedback on a professional learning experience you recently took, please fill out the electronic evaluation form sent at the conclusion of the workshop. We use the feedback from these evaluations to strengthen our offerings. 

Can I contact instructors directly?

Please contact DIEEC ( and a message will be sent to the instructor.